Thursday, March 22, 2007

Open Minds

Somewhere in TV Land...

US Senator Patricia Mills (R-NY) cannot be bullied into voting with the party on a bill to fund a new oil pipeline after discovering that the documentation attesting to its safety was falsified, and the pipes are almost certain to rupture, causing "the ecological equivalent of Iraq." Mills' husband, afraid of what his evil oil-business cronies will do to him when he can't deliver the vote, and hoping to step into his wife's Senatorial seat, murders both his wife and her Muslim Chief of Staff (you know, just to throw everyone off).

That'll teach her to think for herself.

Meanwhile, back in the real world...

CA State Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata (D-Oakland) discovers that three of his colleagues will be attending a pro-business fundraising event. To punish them for their moderate views, he has the locks changed on their office doors, at the taxpayers' expense.

That'll teach them to think for themselves.


Amy said...

So much projection. So much projection.

What TV show is that? I'm amazed they fit EVERYTHING into a single episode--oil men, ecological disaster, evil Republicans....

Laurie said...

It was Without a Trace.

Here's a link to an article about the lockout.