Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I would like my certificate, please

Do you want to hear something sad and pathetic? While watching/mocking 24 last night, I realized that somewhere along the line I have come to think of the bad, warmongering, judgment-impaired crazies in the President's administration as “The Republicans,” and the good, peace-loving, rational, sane ones as “The Democrats.” Even though they certainly must all be of the same party, and since we know David Palmer was a Democrat, it stands to reason that his brother would be too, which means they—yes, even the crazies—are all actually Democrats. How's that for the completion of my course in Television Brainwashing 101?


Anonymous said...

It's time for us all to admit we have a problem and quit. Should we create a 24 Anonymous?

Okay, I'll start. Hello, I'm Amy, and I'm a 24 addict. [Hello, Amy!] I keep watching 24 a year after I should have stopped, despite my attempts to quit, my certain knowledge that it's sucking precious time out of my life, and the fact that I spend the entire hour laughing and mocking (but not in a good way). Why? Maybe it's Kiefer's arms or his black t-shirt...I don't know. Maybe I just won't let my hope die. My hope for a better episode or an interesting new character. But there is no hope. Instead, it has become a burden, and yet I continue. [Tears] I CONTINUE! Why? WHY?

Laurie said...

It's the shirt.

Jays said...

Hi everyone. I'm Deborah, and I'm two years into recovery. I wish I'd known about this support group a couple months ago when I came very close to slipping back into 24. I heard things about a nuclear explosion and I felt the thirst come on me. Then I did something I'm not proud of: I set the Tivo up with a season pass. I know, I know, I should have called my sponsor. But I thought I could handle it, you know? Anyway, I think my Higher Power was watching out for me, because somehow I never got around to watching any of the recorded episodes, and then finally I deleted them in disgust without watching. It was really empowering.

But even now, sometimes I catch myself thinking "hey they sell the DVDs at Target" and I think how easy it would be to slip them in the cart between the diapers and shampoo. So far I'm staying strong.

Laurie said...

Hi, Amy. Hi, Deborah. I'm Laurie. Deborah, all I can say is, STAY STRONG!! Keep that Season 4 memory of Jack and Co. alive! It's not too late for you. I wish my memory of all those people I once loved remained as innocent and unsullied as yours.

8675309 said...

Hi, everyone. I'm Jenny, and I'm a...


I'm just in it for Milo, okay? I LOVE MILO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm Amy, and I'm a 24 addict. Last night, something clicked inside me, and I realized that I just didn't care what happened. In wonder, I discovered I was free. The feeling was amazing. I got up before the end of the show and started getting ready for bed. Then I caught the end, and I was right back on the couch. D*** you, 24.

Laurie said...

Yeah, I actually found myself NOT mocking this week. I'm glad they're going to wrap this up this season, though. I was afraid they were going to save it for next season, and I'd be forced to watch again.