Monday, June 25, 2007

The Hall Legend lives Hogwarts

I just had to let everyone know that I got an O (Outstanding) on my Grade 3 W.O.M.B.A.T. test, taken a few weeks ago on J. K. Rowling's web site. It was not an easy test, as it did not simply test knowledge of the Harry Potter universe. There were quite a few questions for which you could do nothing but make intuitive guesses, based on what you know of the "Wizarding world." There were also a few questions that were hard to answer, not knowing if they were looking for the Dumbledore-approved answer or the Ministry-approved answer! Here's an example:

12. Which TWO of the following policies do you think would best serve the Ministry of Magic in its fight against the Dark Arts?
a. Destroy all Dark Arts spellbooks
b. Unforgivable Curses to be taught from year 1 at Hogwarts
c. Outlaw sale of all goods that can be used in the Dark Arts
d. Automatic life sentences in Azkaban for all convicted of Dark Arts crimes
e. Improve Ministry of Magic Public Information Services
f. Lift jinx on post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts
g. Persuade Boy Who Lived to front anti-Dark Arts publicity campaign

I know I picked 'f,' but I can't remember the second choice I picked (maybe 'e'?). Anyway, it was fun. I missed the Grade 1 W.O.M.B.A.T., but took Grade 2 and got an A (Acceptable), so this was a considerable improvement. How sad is it that I was nervous when I opened the the little virtual envelope? Hermione would be proud...

1 comment:

Virginia said...

You make me proud!