Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Constant Vigilance, People, Constant Vigilance!

Welcome to my new blog, Constant Vigilance! I've been thinking about starting a blog of my own for a very long time, and I've finally decided to just take the plunge. I can't promise to be too consistent about posting, but I'll do the best I can.

Amy thought of the title for my blog, and since I liked it, and the url was available, I decided to go with it. Most of you will know that it is a quote from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, one of my favorite books. The Harry Potter books teach us, among many other things, that we must constantly be aware of the evil around us in the world--even when it hides cleverly among us--and be ready and willing to fight it. When I feel most like writing, it is usually a topic close to this one, so I believe the title is appropriate.

I read a lot of children's and young adult literature, and I plan to review the books here as I read them for anyone who is interested.


Jays said...

Yay! I'm so happy to have another (presumably pressure...) blog to read. I expect frequent posts and will bug you if you don't write often enough.

Virginia said...

I love it, Laurie! I'm with Deborah. I'm looking forward to it very much.

Amy said...


Laurie said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

8675309 said...

Hoorayyyyyyyyy Section! I'm so glad you've finally joined us!