Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Beware his bitty Bat Bogey Hex

If you were Tom Felton, wouldn't this freak you out a little?

On the other hand, I do find the tiny Quidditch supplies quite charming:

View the whole mildly disturbing collection here. While you're there, be sure to check out the other doll collections on the same site, including the Frank and Joe Hardy dolls. I'm not entirely sure who the target consumer is for these, but I'll give a prize to the best caption for this photo:


Jays said...

Are you fully articulated, or are you just happy to see me?

Laurie said...


I have to admit, I have a Robert Tonner Ann Estelle doll, and it's one of the cutest things I own.

8675309 said...

"Well, we got the middle-class-white-kid-wanna-be-street-tough, and we got the 'sensitive' (read: closeted gay) kid...Simon, I'd say we're just three short of a boy band."

Laurie said...

How about: The Mystery of the Time Traveler and Abercrombie's Missing 2007 Young Mens' Clothing Line

Anonymous said...

None of those is as disturbing as Ron Weasley's. Which one, you ask? Take your pick! But I'll go with this one.

All of Hermione's dolls look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

If someone could invent non-girly boy doll hair, they would make a fortune. A fortune, I tell you.

Laurie said...

Boy doll hair *has* to be molded. There's just no other way (at least on a small doll). They try to get away with it by having long hair pulled back, but the blonde Prince Charming still looks girly. Brunette Prince Charming is a little better.

Yes, Ron's are the creepiest. I just thought the Draco doll looked *so* much like Tom Felton, it was a little eerie. Hermione's are nice, but I think that's because she's a girl. I like the one in her uniform.