Thursday, December 20, 2007

Laurie Hall and the Golden Ticket, Part 1

A couple of months ago, I was on my way to work when I got a call on my cell phone that said "Unknown." I began to get a little fluttery feeling in my stomach. No one ever calls me who is "unknown," and I knew it was around the time when the winners of a contest I had entered earlier that summer would be contacted. I braced myself and answered the phone, and, just as I suspected, the woman on the other end was from Scholastic Books. I had just won two tickets to see J. K. Rowling read from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at Carnegie Hall in New York City, and have my book signed!! Rowling rarely comes to the United States to sign books, so this was a very special prize. On this tour, she would speak and sign books for school kids in three U.S. cities (L.A., New Orleans, and NYC), but would only do a public book signing for the 1,000 people (and their guests) who won this contest. A Golden Ticket, indeed!

After I pulled over so I wouldn't crash into anyone, the lady also told me that the prize was only the tickets--I would have to come up with airfare and accomodations. She noticed that I was from California, and told me that she knew it would not be an inexpensive trip, and I could think about it and get back to her. After first determining that she was not, in fact, crazy, I assured her that I would find a way to get there, and I accepted the tickets.

It was torture to decide what to do with the second ticket. Practically everyone I knew would have loved to go. In the end, however, I decided to take my Mom. She really needed the vacation, really wanted to go, and above all, she was here (we got the legal packet with only about a day to have it notarized and sent back to Scholastic's office in NYC!).

Although we would be given copies of Deathly Hallows at the book signing, my Mom and I both decided to buy copies of the special edition to be signed. I certainly don't plan to sell my book, but I'm sure the value is greater having a signature on this more rare edition. I made all the travel arrangements, including a hotel right across the street from Carnegie Hall (which proved highly useful later!), and we were all set to go!

Coming up next: Our trip to New York


Jays said...

Finally! I've been waiting to hear about this for ages! It sounds amazing. Can't wait to hear the rest.

z007mom said...

Is this what it's like waiting for the next book to come out?
I saw the article in the paper, your mom e-mailed it to me, so I know a little but I am looking forward to hearing the rest of your story.
Maybe one of these days I'll find the time to read HP, like in 15 years when the kids are grown! lol!

z007mom said...

Thought I'd check in to see if part 2 was out yet....not yet. Bummer! Looking forward to it!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!

Jays said...

Where is part twoooooooo???

Laurie said...

Sorry, guys. I'll do the rest this weekend, I promise!!