Saturday, February 2, 2008

Part 2: The Journey to New York

Sorry about the long wait! I finally have all my pictures organized and fixed, and I'm ready to finish my story.

Our journey to New York City began on Thursday, October 18, 2007. We left very early in the morning from the Fresno airport. Mom and I were both really excited!

When we finally got to New York City it was already dark outside. We checked into our hotel, which was right across the street from Carnegie Hall.

Mom really liked having a room up so high. You don't get many opportunities to sleep on the twelfth floor in Fresno!

As soon as we got settled in our room, we decided to go outside and take a walk down 7th Avenue towards Times Square.

There were so many people! The streets were packed with them--mostly tourists, like us. Mom hasn't been to New York City since 1970, and she kept commenting on how clean everything was, and how safe it seemed. She said two women could never have come to this part of town at night back then.

Times Square was amazing! We had fun looking at all the lights and shops and theaters. It felt a little like an amusement park. It's hard to imagine that people actually live there!


z007mom said...

Laurie I love your pictures. It sounds like such a fun trip! I have been to New York but not New York City, I've always wanted to go ice skating and stand in front of the Christmas Tree like Kevin in Home Alone. Not to mention the theaters and park and everything else! I'm in the mood for a vacation!
How have you been? Good I hope!!
I look forward to your next entry.

Jays said...

At long last!! Looking forward to the rest. :)

Anonymous said...

Laurie, How exciting!! I can not wait for the rest of the story

Laurie said...

Actually, I can't take credit for the Mom took them all!

Jack said...

Awesome pictures you have up here! love the blog.