Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Book-Release Morning

I got up early on the morning of July 20th so I could get in line at Borders to get a numbered wristband which would secure my place in line to buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows later that night. I wanted to be sure to get as low a number as possible so I could get out of the store quickly that night--not only so I could get home and start reading, but also so as few people as possible would have a chance to look at the back of the book and spoil anything. The store opened at 9:00, and when I got there at 8:00, there were already well over 50 people ahead of me.

Some of them had lawn chairs, and had apparently been waiting since the night before. That was more dedication than even I was willing to muster. Several news channels were there filming us and interviewing people. There were a few people in costume, including these girls in front of me, who came as The Unforgivable Curses ("Crucio" is behind the girl on the right):

Suzie came about half an hour later, dressed in her full Ravenclaw uniform (you'll see pictures later). The line was practically back to the movie theater by then, so I traded places with her in case the news people might want to interview her. They did, of course. She was on the news for several minues, during which time they asked her several trivia questions that displayed her knowledge of the Harry Potter books--and their complete lack of it. The very first question they asked her was "What position does Harry play in 'Kidditch'?" Suzie corrected them and answered all their questions correctly, nicely displaying her Ravenclaw brains.

Finally, at 9:00, they started letting us in the store. My wristband was #71--not too bad. But as it turned out, I wouldn't need it after all...

1 comment:

Jays said...

more! more! more!